At 31 December 2021
(All amounts in RMB millions)
As at 31 December |
Note |
2021 |
2020 |
Non-current assets |
Property, plant and equipment |
355,031 |
364,187 |
Right-of-use assets |
32,866 |
37,960 |
Goodwill |
2,771 |
2,771 |
Interest in associates |
41,278 |
38,802 |
Interest in joint ventures |
7,138 |
5,656 |
Deferred income tax assets |
271 |
745 |
Contract assets |
71 |
103 |
Contract costs |
4,025 |
3,672 |
Financial assets measured at fair value |
3,715 |
3,493 |
Other assets |
17,682 |
14,591 |
464,848 |
471,980 |
Current assets |
Inventories |
1,846 |
1,951 |
Contract assets |
406 |
823 |
Accounts receivable |
17,957 |
16,287 |
Prepayments and other current assets |
17,925 |
15,882 |
Amounts due from ultimate holding company |
10,558 |
10,570 |
Amounts due from related parties |
270 |
195 |
Amounts due from domestic carriers |
2,007 |
3,665 |
Financial assets measured at fair value |
29,011 |
24,189 |
Short-term bank deposits and restricted deposits |
11,968 |
11,989 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
34,280 |
23,085 |
126,228 |
108,636 |
Total assets |
591,076 |
580,616 |
Equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company |
Share capital |
254,056 |
254,056 |
Reserves |
(17,228) |
(18,821) |
Retained profits |
— Proposed final dividend |
2,937 |
5,018 |
— Others |
92,572 |
86,334 |
332,337 |
326,587 |
Non-controlling interests |
1,096 |
933 |
Total equity |
333,433 |
327,520 |
Non-current liabilities |
Long-term bank loans |
1,835 |
2,482 |
Promissory notes |
— |
998 |
Corporate bonds |
— |
1,999 |
Lease liabilities |
10,415 |
16,458 |
Deferred income tax liabilities |
417 |
64 |
Deferred revenue |
6,951 |
5,927 |
Amounts due to related parties |
742 |
3,042 |
Other obligations |
1,098 |
98 |
21,458 |
31,068 |
Current liabilities |
Short-term bank loans |
385 |
740 |
Commercial papers |
6,875 |
7,000 |
Current portion of long-term bank loans |
372 |
418 |
Current portion of promissory notes |
1,004 |
— |
Current portion of corporate bonds |
2,039 |
1,000 |
Lease liabilities |
12,144 |
11,503 |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities |
140,124 |
134,437 |
Bills payable |
4,246 |
5,482 |
Taxes payable |
1,435 |
2,805 |
Amounts due to ultimate holding company |
4,028 |
1,640 |
Amounts due to related parties |
12,926 |
9,183 |
Amounts due to domestic carriers |
2,262 |
2,291 |
Current portion of other obligations |
2,519 |
2,529 |
Contract liabilities |
45,704 |
42,641 |
Advances from customers |
122 |
359 |
236,185 |
222,028 |
Total liabilities |
257,643 |
253,096 |
Total equity and liabilities |
591,076 |
580,616 |
Net current liabilities |
(109,957) |
(113,392) |
Total assets less current liabilities |
354,891 |
358,588 |
The notes on pages 106 to 199 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 11 March 2022 and signed on behalf of the Board by: